Tuesday, May 19, 2009

HOW to start acting like a millionaire!

Hey Everyone,

Here is a great video to show you HOW to start acting like a millionaire! I don’t care if you want to be a business owner or real estate investor, you need to change the way you look at things.

Its critical to understand the Cash Flow quadrant that Robert Kiyosaki designed.

Now Robert is a highly successful business owner, marketer and real estate investors. His net worth is reaching enormous proportions.

He did not get this way over night, he got this way by changing the way that he looks at business and education.

If you have not done so already, you really need to go pick up the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, I am telling you it will change your life. Oh yea, while you are at it, you need to pick up Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Yep this book will change your life.

I could go into how important these books are or you can take my work for it and just READ them.

You will learn as you work with more and more millionaire’s that they are quick to make decisions and slow to change their minds. Also, when someone highly successful suggests something to you, FOLLOW THEIR DIRECTION!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people tell me, “Well… I don’t learn that way…That’s not my style…Can you just tell me what its about to save me time from doing that!”

Are you serious!?!?! You want o change but taking the suggestion is NOT YOUR STYLE?!!? Stay broke, get out of the way and let me talk to someone who has a lick of sense.

By the way, when I mean broke, I am really talking about a mindset. Most people are broke in the mind and in the wallet because its easier then doing the hard work it takes to get there. Plus by staying in their current situation they can blame more people and take less self accountability. Its easier to point fingers then it is to change.

Ok, I am not going to get off on a tangent here. I want you all to learn and take ACTION on the opportunity of this market.

So enjoy the video and visit my site for some eBooks and some more FREE stuff and tips!

Now go to: http://www.millionairerealestateblueprint.com/

Learn how I am making a killing in this market. There is so much opportunity, I can show others how to get OUT of the same broke rut I was in 2 years ago.

Could you imagine that in just 2 years, EVERYTHING turned around for me? I can show you how to in the next 12 months from what I have learned. I want to take as many people with me because lets face it, if more people were wealthy we could all have more golf, fishing and boating partners Monday – Friday while everyone else is working!

Trust me, its so much nicer to do things when everyone else is working, its not so crowed and really kind of peaceful!

Ok, get to my site, take MASSIVE ACTION and until next time…keep learning and keep taking MASSIVE ACTION to move your life forward!


Curt Maly
Serial Entrepreneur

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