Monday, February 14, 2011

Creating Your Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan: Blueprint to Real Estate Profits
The most important plan to action a new real estate investor can take is creating their marketing plan. This marketing plan should combine for both capital investments as well as time investments. A plan will not work if not funded, nor will it work if there is not time to implement on a consistent basis.
Before you commit to any marketing plan, you have to identify several key variables:
What is your budget?
Who is your target market?
How will you reach your target market?
Who are your competitors? How do they reach your audience?
What are your unique strengths, and how will those differentiate you from your competition?
How much time will your spend?
How much work will you do yourself and what can you outsource?
Typical methods in your marketing plan for reaching your target market include bandit signs, direct mail (postcards or yellow letters), having an online presence, farming a neighborhood, networking, placing newspaper ads, and business cards / flyers.
Once you’ve answered these questions and have determined the methods you will use for advertising your services, you can create a marketing plan that takes advantage of your strengths and opportunities and promotes your competitive advantage.
Do the legwork to complete a robust market plan now, and you’ll reap the benefits later.

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